Destiny is not a matter of chance, it's a matter of choice

Friday 23 September 2011

Long Week

It's friday so today i spent time with my BFF as we try and do every week. Today i dug out my smaller size clothes and was so happy when i found that some of them actually fit. Some of these i haven't worn for at least 10 years (i don't throw things out until their dead) and some of these i have loved and missed and i'm so pleased to be able to wear now or to soon get into.
I'm a Goth at heart and haven't fitted into my goth stuff for years and it's going to great to wear them again.

Tuesday this week was a long day for several reasons. I spent most of the day with two wonderful friends and we had some good laughs.
I had to go to the Doctors for my results but they were inconclusive so i need another blood test and a scan to see whats going on so that's not sorted yet. I'm still not feeling too good but it's not anything i can't deal with. I just want to know what's wrong so it can be dealt with, hopefully not much longer.

This week i lost 2 1/2lbs which means i'm 1 1/2lbs away from my Club 10 (that's a loss of 10% of my weight) and 2 1/2lbs from my 2st award. It will be great to get those two awards in the same week.
When i've lost weight in the past i've never felt quite like this. I'm motivated and so looking forward in this journey and i can see the finish line and what it will be like. I think that as i've been ill since the end of last year is helping to keep me focused as no longer being overweight can only improve my health and that's what i want so much.

My dinner is nearly ready so i better go.
Take care and happy slimming

Saturday 17 September 2011

Late Weigh In

This week i weighed in on thursday as i've not been feeling good for the last couple of weeks and its been two weeks since i last weighed in. As i've not been feeling good i've been eating things i shouldn't so i stepped on the scales i had geared myself up to have a slight gain but i had a shock as i lost. Yes i lost 5 1/2lbs which i think is great with the way i've been. This loss gave me my 1 1/2 st award and also slimmer of the week. It gave me a great boost after the couple of weeks that i've had.
On wednesday i had to have a blood test and as i'm skint at the moment i walked there and i ended up walking a total of 6 miles which is really good for me and even thou my legs did hurt afterwards i felt that it was worth it. I'm planning on doing it a couple of times a week if i can as it will help with the weight loss.

As i've already said my health isn't too good at the moment and i'm seeing the GP on tuesday for the results of my blood test as i got a phone call yesterday that the doctor wants to discuss my results. After i got off the phone i called my bff and asked her if she could come with me and she said that she would so that makes me feel better.
I'm still stressed about all sorts of things which i have lost control over and at the moment my weight is the only thing i can control so thats what i'm doing. According to the doctors i was 20st 11lbs in may so i've lost nearly 3st in about 4 months. I'm really pleased with the loss and i can't wait till i have to get new clothes as what i have is way too big for me. The good thing is that i have clothes in my wardrobe that have been too small for me and it will be so good to get in to them.
Anyway i'm not going to bitch and moan about things today as i think that i'll leave that until later.

On facebook at the start of the month someone posted that it was 17weeks until christmas and how about a challenge to lose 17lbs before then. I thought why not join in and so far i've lost 6 1/2lbs in 3 weeks and there's still 14 weeks to go. As far as i can see there shouldn't be any problem in doing this and next year hopefully (no i will be) i'll be a new me.

This afternoon i think i'm off for a walk and i'll see if i can get anyone to join me.
Take care and happy slimming